Why Brick is Better - North Georgia Brick

There’s no denying the curb appeal of a gorgeous brick home when driving through a neighborhood on a sunny day. Brick is an instantly familiar, comforting material that has stood the test of time and provided warm, natural beauty to both residential and commercial structures for centuries. In fact, National Association of Home Builders survey respondents ranked brick as the top home exterior choice, significantly higher than vinyl, stone, stucco, and wood!

So what makes brick worth your buck as a homeowner, builder, or designer? It’s more than just good looks and timeless sentiment. From financial benefits and energy efficiency to environmental considerations and wide-ranging design-versatility, brick boasts a robust resume far greater than the average building material. Before you begin building your next project, here a few valuable reasons why brick is simply better.

Beyond Gorgeous – Classic red brick will always draw rave reviews, but brick offers even more incredible options. From whites and creams to deep, rich earthy tones, brick comes in a wide range of shades and textures to craft various exteriors such as traditional, vintage, modern farmhouse, and refined luxury.  A multi-colored brick option, like Cane River, showcases natural variation for a striking finished design that’s anything but boring. White-washed brick varieties such as Botany Bay can easily be used to add elegance and interest. Brick walls can also be uniformly painted, over or painted with uneven washes, for artful distressing. The attractive uses of brick are many and all are equally stunning.

Financial Factors – Thanks to a variety of notable reasons, brick will basically pay for itself over the course of its lifespan. For starters, a brick home will retain and appreciate in resale value over time, more than other building materials, as well as improve the value of the neighborhoods they are part of. Since brick can store heat and cool air throughout the year, a properly insulated brick home will save about 20% on energy bills annually, according to the US Dept. of Energy. Even home insurance is less for brick homes thanks to its durability and greater resistance to fire, wind, and other natural hazards. Brick practically pays for itself! 

Long-Lasting – Speaking of durability, did you know that the use of brick dates back to 7000 BC?  The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) gives brick masonry a lifespan of 100 years, but brick can last for up to 500 years or more! Both residential and commercial brick structures are rarely ever demolished due to the state of external brick. Unfortunately, other building materials like stucco, vinyl, and fiber cement can’t even come close to matching the longevity of brick. 

Easy to Maintain – Although brick can be painted, treated, or stained for desired looks, this material needs no added finish to maintain its inherent beauty over time. Also, brick is only mildly porous and contains no living nutrients. As a result, brick structures trap minimal moisture and lack the ideal conditions for the growth of mold. Unlike drywall panels or pieces of fabric, brick is a naturally mold and mildew resistant building material. 

Environmentally Friendly – As one of the most ecologically responsible building materials available, sustainable North Georgia Brick is made from only natural raw materials, clay, and water, without any chemicals or complex components.  If you are building with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) sustainable certification in mind, brick can contribute up to 11 points in the Materials and Resources category. Clay brick is not only recyclable, but it can be repurposed for the creation of mortar, cement, and gravel with virtually zero waste. 

We may be biased, but brick is clearly the superior building material. When you’re ready to explore all the possibilities of building with brick, visit our Cumming and Cartersville showrooms and our experts will help you select options that will serve you for decades of stellar appearance and performance.  

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