There’s a good reason why many of the oldest buildings that stand tall today are made from clay brick: No other long-lasting material can provide superior protection against the elements!
It’s well-documented that the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) lists a lifespan of one hundred years for brick masonry. High-performance North Georgia Brick options will experience minimal weathering, heat damage, maintenance, or repairs, and will not burn, peel, fade, rot, tear, warp, or dent. These incredible properties help give homeowners and business owners true peace of mind as unpredictable weather patterns continue to show just how powerful Mother Nature can be.
Today, we’ll take a closer look at how brick homes and buildings fare during even the most extreme weather conditions. Here are a few valuable ways that brick offers protection from natural disasters:
Does Brick Offer Protection From Fire?
Since the primary ingredient is made from clay, and bricks are created in a fire kiln at around 2000°F during the manufacturing process, they are absolutely made to take the heat. Bricks are non-combustible, free of volatile compounds, and won’t burn or melt. That’s why brick is the perfect material for fireplaces and firepits because it provides extremely high fire resistance and can withstand temperatures up to 1200°C! The incredibly high kiln temperatures produce hard-fired durability and maximum strength for your external brick walls.
A brick home or building can actually withstand direct flames for over an hour both on the exterior and interior, which provides incredible protection before a fire breaches the structure. With superior natural thermal mass properties, clay brick helps to slow down the spread of fire. Brick has the inherent ability to absorb, retain, and release heat, which will give firefighters more critical time to save families, homes, and belongings. Due to the dangerous speed at which a fire can move from ground level up into the attic of homes, brick buildings also help allow firefighters to do their job safely when put in danger.

Does Brick Offer Moisture Protection From Severe Storms, Hurricanes, and Flooding?
When it comes to severe weather events like heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and hurricanes, brick once again helps provide superior protection only this time against moisture. Brick walls are water-resistant and divert moisture in these instances! North Georgia Bricks products are only mildly porous and contain no living nutrients. As a result, brick structures trap minimal moisture. If an area experiences flooding and standing water after heavy rainfall, brick wall systems will minimize the growth of mold, mild, wood rot, infestation by insects, and corrosion of fasteners embedded in wood better than other wall assemblies.
Does Brick Offer Protection From Wind & Wind-Blown Debris?
For structures that experience frequent high-velocity wind patterns and wind-blown debris, brick is definitely the superior material of choice! Solid brick houses can handle winds up to 185 miles per hour and brick exceeds the impact resistance requirements of building and construction codes for homes and essential facilities- even those in high-velocity hurricane zones. As a result, the durability, strength, and resilience of brick walls can earn discounts from insurance companies on home insurance costs in the regions that experience the most wind damage. Studies also demonstrate that brick homes offer much greater protection from wind-blown debris during a storm than wood, vinyl, or fiber-cement homes.
Investing in brick will offer the best long-term protection against fire, storms, wind, tornados, earthquakes, and even hailstorms! When you are ready to select the attractive, top-quality brick varieties that will complete your new build, bring your ideas to the experts in our Cumming, Cartersville, Lovejoy, or Newnan showrooms!